
I am a fan what?

Thursday, February 28, 2013



So, I just watched Once Upon a time episode 2x14 Manhattan....
Ok, I was kind of prepared for the fact that Neal was Baelfire. My husband actually called that one a few weeks ago.  And after seeing this episode I am full fledged Swanthief/Swanfire shipper. The chemistry was off the chain. I just hope that Regina doesnt use this bump in the road to her advantage. 
Cora bugs me and Hook is starting to bug me. I really liked him but now he just seems kind of pathetic. He is a pawn in a larger game. Also, I have never quite understood the Captain Swan shippers...I dont see the chemistry. *shrug* To each his own, I suppose... Speaking of shipping I am hoping for some Regina/Hook action...that could  be cool and make him less of a...welll, you know.
Did anyone see the sneak peak for episode 15. The episode looks truly amazig. I cannot wait.
I have heard some spoilers. Such as Neal has a fiance which will complicate matters.
And that Neal is either Peter Pan or one of the lost boys. (That would explain why he isnt 900 thousand years old. He stopped in Neverland at some point and didnt age. Also in the sneak peak he recognized Hook. Just sayin)

Things I loved:

Hook decjphering the map...He was useful for a minute.
Charming trying to work out what it means that Baelfire is Henry's dad...that was cute.
Henry and Neal/Baelfire (They were presh)
Rumple trying to talk Neal/Baelfire into giving him another chance.
The background story of Rumple and the seer (although that made me nervous. I hope he doesnt try and kill Henry)
The mother/daughter talk between Snow and Emma.

Things I didn’t love:
Regina (I dont like what she is turning into)
Hook (Less whiny more sexy pirate I say!)
Henry comparing Emma to Regina (I totally get why the kid is mad but that made me cringe)

My rating? 4 out of 5. Well payed Once Upon a Time..well played...

Now, let's take a moment to work out this family dynamic

Regina is Henry's adopted mother and step great grandmother.
Rumpelstiltskin is  Henry's grandfather
David is Henry's grandfather
Mary Margaret is Henry's grandmother
Emma is Henry's mom
Neal/Baelfire is Henry's dad
Rumple killed Henry's great grandmother and Baelfire's mom (which does he know that?)
Hook was almost Henry's step
 David is right that would be one complicated family dinner .

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