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Friday, June 1, 2012

Bye bye Pete Wilder

So, recently it was announced on many sites that Tim Daly (who has played Pete Wilder on ABC’s Private Practice for five years) will not be returning for the sixth season of the Grey's spinoff (which is rumored to be it's last, more on that later).  Many fans are unhappy and the reasoning seems to be Shonda Rimes didn’t handle it professionally. I am not sure I see that. According to sources (Namely Daly’s twitter) Rimes notified Daly that his contract was not being renewed via his agent. I kind of assumed that is par for the course…am I wrong? Regardless, it’s called show business for a reason people- emphasis on the business. Build a bridge, ok?

My feelings on Daly’s exit? Eh. Shall I expand on my eh? Ok, here goes…I love Tim Daly (Wings represent.) I love Pete Wilder. I was very much hoping for a Addison/Pete long term thing. I have grown accustomed to Addison and Sam. I have even been looking forward to a potential Addison/Jake thing but for a long time I held a candle for Pete and Addison. However, Pete and Violet are killing me. The back and forth alone is nerve wracking but then throw in who he has become since being with her…well; it’s enough to make me violently ill.

I understand someone had to go for financial reasons (that is my assumption at least, don’t quote me.) I wish it had been Violet (Amy Brenneman) because her character is unnecessarily whiny and just irritating. But as sad as I am to see Pete go at least he and Violet are done now. However a friend pointed out to me that now we will probably have to deal with a season’s worth of Violet complaining so buckle up Private Practice fans and get a helmet.

Leave comments below....will you miss Pete or not? Did Shonda commit a faux pas? Hit me up.

Check out the Tv guide article here

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