
I am a fan what?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Digging up Bones and Fringe benefits....

Lame Title...huh?

It’s been a  minute since I have posted. I was plagued with a husband who is traveling and toothache that I was sure would kill me. The husband is still traveling but the toothache has lessened so now I am ready to give my two cents on the finales of Bones and Fringe. Only read the following if you have watched both finales .

Let’s start with Bones. I loved the finale of Bones but I have loved this whole season. Some fans seem to find the addition of baby Christine as unnecessary or have even claimed it takes away from the awesomeness of the show. I find that bizarre. I think motherhood brings out some really wonderful things  in the character of Temperance Brennan. It has softened her a little but not too much. She is still highly analytical and extremely driven. She is still our beloved Bones. As for Booth, I don’t believe the birth of his second child has changed him much, but it has changed their relationship for the better.

The episode itself left us with a delightfully painful cliffhanger. The events leading up to this delightful cliffhanger kept me on the edge of my seat and caused me to bite my poor nails down to the quick (Thanks for that Hart Hansen!). Emily Deshanel is still on top of her game despite her maternity leave and David Boreanez never disappoints but I think the actor who impressed me the most was Tamara Taylor (Dr. Camille Saroyan) who was torn between her loyalty and love for Temperance Brennan and her duty the law and integrity of the Jeffersonian. She really had me on the verge of hysterics when she made the choice to do the right thing. Ryan O’Neal was also doing his thing and laying it down (so to speak) with a performance that was so very in character.
I am waiting…as patiently as I can…for season 8. Hmmm….

Fringe! Whoa! Yikes! I am having trouble making complete sentences. This whole season was a whole lot of  ‘What just happened?’

I guess the big thing was the whole Walter popping a cap in Olivia. I literally thought my heart had stopped and then of course the slap heard round the world, when Walter slapped Peter. I couldn’t help but laugh a little in the moment even though I was also crying watching Peter sweetly mourn his beloved Olivia. The series of events from the moment pulled that trigger until Olivia started breathing again was just crazy. But skillfully written and just as skillfully executed by the cast of Fringe. Leonard Nimoy never disappoints as William Bell and I hope that will not be the last I see of him.

I knew before the episode even aired that Olivia would be pregnant but that is because of the flash forward episode that shows her and Peter's daughter. That kind of takes the fun out of it but I am super happy about the Peter and Olivia baby.

I am looking forward to our 13 episode denouement in the fall. Thought part of me wishes Fringe could last forever I know that all good things must come to an end. I think ,based on all evidence presented in season 4 , that J.J. Abrams can rapid this up well in a way that will please most fans…because you can’t please everyone right?

Next blog post (Hopefully tomorrow) my thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice. Keep it real or what you kids are saying as a sign off these days.

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